Flame scanner is used to detect formation of flame inside combustion chamber and to prevent fuel injection inside it in case no flame is formed. If flame dies, safety system of flame detector acts within one second to close fuel valve. This way, fuel accumulation inside combustion chamber and probable explosion would be prevented.
In continuation, components of flame scanner (model AGD01) manufactured by Sepanta Electronic Tabarestan will be explained. The mode is the most applied flame detection system produced by Sepanta which has been considered as the basis for other flame monitoring systems.
AGD01 Flame detector is consisted of two main parts:
As observable in the figure, flame sensor receives light waves radiated from flame through one hole; and, it turns it to electrical signal by optical sensor. Then signal received from optical sensor will be studied in digital processor and flame quality characteristics would be extracted. Digital processor sends quality characteristics of the flame to central control room or central flame safety control system.
The system can operate under difficult environmental conditions such as 71ᵒC temperature.
AGD01 flame scanner consists of one 32 bits digital processor from ARM family. In addition to performance of main task in flame detection system, processor provides some new capabilities as well: